A memory is a thought that isn't forgotten. If there's something you don't want to remember...don't memorize it.
Resisting temptation is a lot easier for people who realize it's a lot harder than not resisting it.
You can wear yourself out trying to keep up with those who've kept up with things that those who have those things, haven't kept up with.
Seeking to gain the approval of others just to prove that you can get someone to approve, will be all the proof they'll need to disapprove of what it is that you seek approval for.
Speaking your mind isn't bad as long as you don't mind knowing that what you spoke may remind people why they never cared what you had on your mind to begin with.
Regardless if you think your glass is half full or half empty or both...go ahead and top it off. That way you ain't got to wonder.
Two keys to learning to mind your own business: 1) Know what your business is. b) Know what your business ain't.
The grass may very well be greener on the other side of the fence. But if you decide to climb over...watch your step...they may own cows.
No matter how you look at it, how you cut it or how you slice it...you can observe a lot about someone just by watching them.
You're always at your best when the best you give isn't worse than the best you gave. Otherwise...it's worse than your best...& that won't make you better.
There's a time to step down or sit down. There's a time to step up or stand up. More people should also realize there's a time to shut down or shut up!
A sure-fire way to win an argument is to find someone who doesn't know anything about what you're discussing.
It's harder to keep your head above water when you put the floaties on your feet.
In a world of inconsistencies & uncertainties, two things are definite & sure: 1) It's raining. OR 2) It's not
We sometimes think of things that we've thought of often: If you've thought it before - think it again! (Once that happens, sometimes it's
best to just forget about it.)
If you don't think something is worth fighting for....it probably ain't.
You can always tell if someone has alot on their mind by how much they are thinking.
Ride the horse in the direction that it's going! Andl if you're gonna lead a horse to water....get a thirsty horse.
Resisting temptation is a lot easier for people who realize it's a lot harder than not resisting it.
You can wear yourself out trying to keep up with those who've kept up with things that those who have those things, haven't kept up with.
Seeking to gain the approval of others just to prove that you can get someone to approve, will be all the proof they'll need to disapprove of what it is that you seek approval for.
Speaking your mind isn't bad as long as you don't mind knowing that what you spoke may remind people why they never cared what you had on your mind to begin with.
Regardless if you think your glass is half full or half empty or both...go ahead and top it off. That way you ain't got to wonder.
Two keys to learning to mind your own business: 1) Know what your business is. b) Know what your business ain't.
The grass may very well be greener on the other side of the fence. But if you decide to climb over...watch your step...they may own cows.
No matter how you look at it, how you cut it or how you slice it...you can observe a lot about someone just by watching them.
You're always at your best when the best you give isn't worse than the best you gave. Otherwise...it's worse than your best...& that won't make you better.
There's a time to step down or sit down. There's a time to step up or stand up. More people should also realize there's a time to shut down or shut up!
A sure-fire way to win an argument is to find someone who doesn't know anything about what you're discussing.
It's harder to keep your head above water when you put the floaties on your feet.
In a world of inconsistencies & uncertainties, two things are definite & sure: 1) It's raining. OR 2) It's not
We sometimes think of things that we've thought of often: If you've thought it before - think it again! (Once that happens, sometimes it's
best to just forget about it.)
If you don't think something is worth fighting for....it probably ain't.
You can always tell if someone has alot on their mind by how much they are thinking.
Ride the horse in the direction that it's going! Andl if you're gonna lead a horse to water....get a thirsty horse.